Bro Mark King, a young man who has a passion for the lives and "worlds" around him, from Calgary, Alberta Canada preached an impacting message last night at our mid week service! " For God so loved my world..." Before HIM my world was formless, void, empty and dark, but He loved my world enough to transform it and live amongst it! (Paraphrasing) "Tears filled my eyes, as I watched millions of worlds pass by below, as I stood on a friends balcony today. Millions of worlds just like mine, all spinning together, but some will never make it through this month, some of their worlds will spin out of control never knowing the love and grace and forgiveness I know and experience each and every day!!... If only we, who know HIS Love and HIS grace, could have the passion to feel what they are feeling, the pain they experience all the time! There are over 6.5 BILLION people on this earth today, we can't save them all, but can't we do our part to reach at least half. "Hell hath enlarged herself..." Its getting bigger and bigger each and every day. Hundreds of worlds have spun out into eternity just in these few short moments, what are we doing to reach them, what are we doing to touch a lost and dying world!"
It touched me so deeply! Reaching down deep inside, to a tender place in my heart! I want to do all I can to touch someone else's world, to see them smile again, to hear them laugh again, to know they have the same opportunity to enter into the Holy of Holies as I do! Does someone Love Jesus enough to tell someone elses world that He lived and gave HIS everything for them!
How many of these 6.5 Billion worlds do you see, touch, and come in contact with EVERYDAY? What are doing to change the cycle and pull their world into your galaxy?
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Mark King-6.5 Billion Worlds
Posted by MissionsAngel at 09:17 0 comments
Labels: Encouragement, Evaluation
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The Rock Group Youth Community(TRG)
The ROCK GROUP (TRG) youth community, under the direction of Youth Pastor Johannes Escudero, is one of the largest entities of The Rock Church. The Rock Group youth community is a growing, multi-cultural collection of young people in Jr. High, High School,College & Career, ranging between the ages of 12 and 25 years old, and is rapidly becoming a magnet for young people, and an icon for youth development, in the greater Sacramento area. The ROCK GROUP meets every Friday Night, and most Saturdays, alternating between The Experience, The ReUnion, Friday Night FUNADDICTS and the OZONE.
Don't miss out any longer, check out
Our very own Wayne Scott, one of our chaperones and servers for our Youth Christmas Banquets!
Posted by MissionsAngel at 13:50 0 comments
Labels: Reflections
WOW!!! No Limits-Beyond was absolutely incredible!! From the very first sermon preached by Rev. Rick Mayo to the grand finale Sam Emory and the infamous "Get Your Rear in Gear" preached by the one and only C. Myles Young, this was by far the greatest year ever!! Plan now for next year!! You don't want to miss it!!
Check out for further info and video clips!!
I had the privilege of meeting sooo many new and absolute fun loving people!! Here's to you Vren, Shad, Angie, Rachelle, Greg, Mark, John, Luke, Loro, Sara, Alana, Star*, Aydin, oh boy, I should have not started naming names!!! You all were an absolute blast!! Love ya and rock on!! =)
Posted by MissionsAngel at 13:32 1 comments
Labels: Reflections