Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Strangers are not always considered invited guests, whether it be into your home, your personal conversation or your physical and spiritual life. A stranger in a physical form may become your best friend within that year; or they may become your feared foe. You never know who God will send to help you make it that extra step in life. Strangers present themselves in many shapes, sizes and color. Ugly, pretty, rebelious and clean. An uninvited guest will leave when you simple ask it to excuse itself, right? In most cases, the answer is NO! Once seated at your table they begin to execute their purpose. That stranger may come in physical form, or he may come in a spiritual form. Loneliness, depression, pain and even fear. They enter our homes, lives, dominating our minds and holding us as victims on their playing field. At that moment we have but two decisions to make. I can let this stranger frighten me and control me or I can accept it and learn from its intended games. C. Myles Young, a well known psalmist and minister once said that "When adversity comes, you know you are in the purpose and will of God" So when the devil, adversity, depression and fear knock at your door, do not dwell in its grasp, but instead turn and grasp it, give it to God, let that opportunity of loneliness create in you a relationship with the Heavenly Father that you never would have other wise been able reach. Learn to stand on His word, fight back when the spirit of fear enlarges itself. Your stranger of evil will never be your friend, but when he sneaks in the window or through the door remember he left it open. Open for The Peace, The Healer and The Way maker to come in and take control.

"Strangers are simply opportunities for a miracle called friendship" a.rose 2006

*inspired by Sis Vonnie Lopez