Saturday, October 11, 2008

W.O.R.D. Conference

Woman Of Radical Devotion! I will not waste my words on fiddle stick comments....this Ladies Retreat has CHANGED my view of God, my Prayer life, and my self respect forever. I am a WOMAN OF GOD and I am LOVED beyond words....The place I laid prostrate on my face in the carpet, with tears uncontrollably running down my face, was the moment in time that will FOREVER be imprinted into my present and my future. This weekend was my altar, laying behind the past and resisting to rely on my own understandings, and learning to TRUST 100% in MY GOD!!! We pleaded the Blood of Jesus upon our families, our homes, our futures, our finances, our lost loved ones, etc, and there is NOTHING that the devil can do, no watered down worldly confusion can wash away that anointing!
The Holy Ghost was AMAZING and you DO NOT want to miss next year,
OCTOBER 9-10th 2009!


Katrina Holmes (Tina) said...

Angel, You definitely are a woman of God and you are unconditionally loved. It sounds like an awesome touch of God you got. Hold onto it! It's times like that, that see you through. Sometimes only God truly understands all things and sometimes you feel it's only God that you can talk to about the things you're thinking and feeling. Thank God he does love us like no one else can and thank God He cares to listen when we feel no one else wsnts to hear about it.
I Love you dearly my friend. My little Angel!I was supposed to make it down to your ladies retreat this time remember? I forgot!! Bummer!!!

Rev. and Mrs. Zotzman's Blog said...

AMEN! For those of us that went, I know that we all will never be the same again! The day that we all laid on the floor and poured ourselves out to God will be a landmark of the start of something amazing! I am so excited for next year!!!!

MERBEAR said...

I would love to come next year Angel with my 3 girls....

In Jesus Name!!!!