Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Memories Never Fade

Yesterday a friend of mine returned a folder I had left at her home forever ago. From it she retrieved a folded piece of paper, and proceded to read the contents. It was a simple poem I had written a few years earlier and had forgotten about, but how true these words are even today.

Sweet smells of autumn
Beauty in the newness of spring
Summer brings new adventures
And silver mountains of snow cover winter
Seasons of change come and go
Blooming love, smiles, and tears
But there is a time when they too must go
Different colors and different shades
But one thing I have found
Sweet precious memories never fade
a.rose 2005


merbear said...

What a beautiful poem Angel! You have so much talent in so many areas of your life. Keep becoming the special girl you are.

MissionsAngel said...

Thank you Merbear-you are precious and I appreciate your kind words.