Saturday, November 08, 2008

Friday Night Fun

I thought I was supposed to be attending our church Plan Night, but ended up babysitting my brothers instead, soooooo that meant Fun Fun Fun! Last night the downtown Ice Skating rink opened!!!!! Yee Haw!!

We had an absolute BLAST!!!!!!! I didn't get any pictures though :( sniff sniff....We packed out our "bus" of a van and headed downtown around 7pm. You should have seen the staff when all 16 of us came scamblin in through the gate with the hugest grins on our faces! :) Alot of the staff remembered us from last year so we got to chitty chat with all the head people :) I'll def be getting some pictures within the next few months,
so if you don't hear from me for the next few weeks don't stress I'm probably out enjoying my favorite sport,
Ice Skating!!!!


Anonymous said...

OMW I am so jealous!!! we have so much fun skating together:( well maybe soon, miss ya!

Rev. and Mrs. Zotzman's Blog said...

It was so fun! I can not wait to go again!!! :)